Boards for Roach
The ROACH (Reconfigurable Open ArchitectureComputing Hardware) board family is a series of FPGA boards developed by UC Berkeley's CASPER (Collaboration for Astronomy Signal Processing and Electronics Research) group.
These boards incorporate a large FPGA (Xilinx Virtex-5 in ROACH-1, or Virtex-6 in ROACH-2), memory, high-speed (10Gb/s) interconnect, and a standardized interface for data converters, allowing the development of highly compute-intensive instruments for radio astronomy and other scientific applications. CASPER maintains a large gateware library to permit streamlined implementation of complex designs using a high-level (Matlab Simulink) tool flow.
The ROACH-1 Board
The ROACH-2 Board
Over the last several years I've developed a number of data conversion boards and a frequency conversion board for the ROACH family. The hardware and gateware designs are all open-source: schematics are available here, and source code is available on the CASPER website. I build small quantities of some of these boards and offer them for sale, and sometimes have some in stock.
Combines the ADC2X550-12 with the DAC2X1000-16 on one board, with a common reference, occupying two ZDOK connectors.
Product Brief
Price: $2650 Qty in stock: 8
Two channels of A/D conversion, 550MSPS, 12-bits, (2 ea ADS54RF63) occupies one ZDOK connector.
Price: $1600 Qty in stock: 5
Two channels of D/A conversion, 1000MSPS, 16-bits, (2 ea DAC5681) occupies one ZDOK connector.
Price: $1050 Qty in stock: 2
Two channels of A/D conversion, 400MSPS, 14-bits,(2 ea ADS5474) occupies one ZDOK connector.
Price: $1500 Qty in stock: 4
One channel of D/A conversion at up to 4500MSPS, 12 bit resolution, occupies one ZDOK connector.
Test Report
Price: $3000 Qty in stock: 3
64 channels of A/D conversion, 65MSPS, 12-bits, (8 ea ADS5272) occupies two ZDOK connectors.
Price: $2700 Qty in stock: 3
Six channels of A/D conversion, 1000MSPS, 12-bits, (6 ea ADS5400), occupies two ZDOK connectors.
Price: contact us Qty in stock: 0
Intermediate frequency board. Provides local oscillator generation, clock generation, quadrature frequency upmixing and downmixing, settable attenuation in the 2 to 6.8 GHz range. Used for Kinetic Inductance Detector systems.
Price: $3500 Qty in stock: 2